How To Repair A Hot Tub Puncture

Lay-Z-Spa Vega Premium Series Portable Inflatable Hot Tub

As with anything that is inflatable there is always a risk of leaks. However, there is no need to panic as a leak can easily be dealt with at home using patches that are sale through most dealers.

Inflatable Hot Tub Repair Kit

Patches cost less which means that a repair can take place that is inexpensive but effective. The advice is to repair a leak as soon as it is spotted so that further damage is not caused.

Most inflatable hot tubs on the market are made from robust rubber material, however like a bike tyre you may occasionally get a puncture, be it from debris or just wear and tear from use.

If you get a puncture or spring a little leak then there is no need to worry, you can easily and quickly patch up, and repair your spa using the WET or DRY Swimming Pool Liner Vinyl Repair Kit Inflatable Patch which is ideal for this.

The great thing about this repair kit is that you can patch up the leak with or without the hot tub filled. This means there is no need to drain the whole spa if the leak is at the bottom, you can easily repair this with it filled. This saves having to drain all the water, fixing the leak and then refilling and heating it all up again.

We recommend this product and it works great, and is also good value, it is worth purchasing a couple just incase it happens again so you can quickly fix the leak.

To carry out the repair you will need water, a vinyl inflatable pool patch, spray bottles, soap and paper towel.

Best Hot Tub Repair Kits to Buy:

  • Inflatable spa hot tub repair kit lay z spa
  • Happy Hot Tubs WET or DRY Swimming Pool Liner Vinyl Repair Kit
  • Bestway Inflatables Repair Kit – White

How to Repair An Inflatable Hot Tub Puncture

Step 1- Finding the Leak

With these items to hand it is time to locate the leak. To detect it easily, fill the spray bottle with water and a spoonful of liquid dish soap and shake it so that it mixes well. Spray the area until you come across the leak which can be detected through bubbles.

Mark where the leak is and let all of the air out of the tub.

Step 2- Repairing the Leak

Now dry the area using a paper towel, once dry clean the area with a degreaser or soapy water and then dry again. Ensuring this area is clean is important to ensure the patch sticks firmly in place, if there is any grease or dirt the patch may not stick properly and may still leak.

Once all cleaned and dried you can then follow the directions on your patch repair kit.

Step 3 – Inflating

Once repaired it is best to leave the patch for 24 hours to ensure it has set. You can the re-inflate your hot tub and fill with water. Look for any air bubbles coming from your patch which may mean it is leaking again.

Monitor the leak over the next few days and if all is fine then your puncture has been successfully repaired! If it does leak from that point then the patch may not of completely stuck over the leak and may need to be redone.

There are many different patches that have different ways of being fitted so it is wise to read the manufacturers packaging first. A common way is to apply the adhesive onto the back of the patch and then stick it on the affected area. Give the patch and the adhesive a bit of time to stick before filling it back up with water but be mindful not to add too much pressure. Then spray the area you have repaired with the soapy solution to see if there are any bubbles. If there are no bubbles it is a job well done meaning that your hot tub is ready for you to use for some well deserved relaxation.

Replacing the Liner

If you have many leaks, or perhaps the liner has become damaged then you may wish to replace this. If the pump is still in good working order then replacing the liner is a cost effective solution.

If you own a Lay-Z-Spa Miami inflatable hot tub from 2014 or 2015 that has become warn, punctured and needs replacing, but the pump is still working fine and you don’t want to buy a whole new spa then you can just buy the liner itself.

You can purchase the Lay Z Spa Miami Inflatable Body to fit the 2015 Lay Z Spa Miami 54123 which just requires inflating with the pump you already have, and then connecting to your working pump. This is just for the liner only.

This saves you having to buy a whole new inflatable hot tub and allows you to keep your pump and just replace the warn or punctured liner. This comes with a 90 day manufacturer warranty and is a direct replacement for the 2014 and 2015 Lay Z Spa Miami model only.

Last update on 2025-02-11 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


  1. Robert Case

    My blower is not working do you have repair people that come out to the house

    • kevin myles

      My inflatable hot tub is loosing air but can’t find where from, do you have an engineer that could attend a house call.

  2. Clydene Johnson

    My intex bubble tub seems to be leaking where the heating element bag comes into the tub! That’s where I see bubbles. My tub is empty now but I’m not sure how to get a patch in the crevice between the tub wall & heater bag! It would be better to put a bead of liquid patch around, but haven’t found any such product! Need help please!


    have a small tear on the inside wall do you someone that can call and repair it


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