Inflatable Hot Tub Covers

When your tub is not in use, you can put on the inflatable hot tub covers to keep the tub safe from foreign substances like pine cones, leaves, insects, twigs or rubbish that may enter the tub. These foreign substances will harm the filtration system and the shell of your tub. They can as well pollute the water especially when you have an outdoor hot tub. The Indoor hot tub can get some moisture build up on the walls or even the roof. You, therefore, need to cover your tub using an inflatable hot tub covers to prevent this from happening.
Inflatable Hot Tub Covers
Installing inflatable hot tub covers that fit your hot tub properly is a good idea since children and pets will not open it because it’s too heavy for them. The inflatable hot tub covers are too heavy for children to lift it up by their own hence they will not reach the hot tub by themselves.
The Inflatable hot tub covers are necessary for maintaining hot tub heat, providing a safety layer to prevent your kids from uncontrolled use. The inflatable hot tub covers are helpful in keeping the hot tub clean as well as trapping heat inside the hot tub for the purpose of energy conservation.

An inflatable hot tub cover prevents the tub from too much sun, such that it will not show any early signs of wear and tear. The cover also helps the tub to retain its heat for long; this is true especially during winter when the heater is incapable of maintaining the temperature. Covers have expanded polystyrene as an insulator, and it’s usually thick with a tight fit to effective seals in heat, hence requiring less energy to heat the water. The covers have strong material that is durable that can even last for three to five years and mildew-resistant to offer you the best services. This will save you from high electricity bills.
Some inflatable hot tub covers have heavy covers as their outer covering, and this is perfect if you have children since they will not lift it up without your help hence keeping your children safe and also a peace at your mind. A solar cover is necessary as it keeps the tub warm, also in keeping the water hot and clean resulting in great energy savings.
Inflatable hot tub covers have an elastic hem around their bottom this ensures you that your hot tub will be covered perfectly hence keeping the water warm. The covers fit hot tub perfectly depending in the size you have to prevent any heat loss, and this will make the water warm throughout the seasons thus reducing the cost of paying an electricity bill.
Inflatable hot tub covers are durable and inexpensive. They can give you the best services you want, ranging from protecting your water against any foreign substances to cutting down the electricity bills. When purchasing inflatable hot tub cover for the first time, ensure that it fits well with your hot tub, and it has the greatest insulation such that it will make the water warm always.
we need to replace our Lay-Z-Spa Miami versions inflatable cover, where can i by it?
Richard Garton
I have a inflatable hot tub and the zip cover is broken, do you supply inflatable covers in different sizes?
Mrs Kim Mills
Hi I am struggling to find a replacement inflatable lid to go in the hot tub cover for a palm spring hydro jet lazy spa can you help please ? I have tried to repair it but unfortunately it is on the seam, regards Kim
Julie Darcy-knight
I need to replace my aqua spa ph050010 zip lid. The zip has broken. Can you help please ? Im struggling to find one