Can I use my Inflatable Hot Tub Indoors?

The great thing about inflatable hot tubs is that they are portable, you can easily move them around be indifferent locations in the garden, taking them with you or perhaps taking them indoors!
So ‘Can I use my inflatable hot tub indoors?‘… The answer is yes.
But… there are a few things you should consider before setting it all up and causing a few issues inside.
When getting in and out of your hot tub water will drip off you, this isn’t an issue outside however you will want to be careful if you have carpet down, or you may find yourself mopping up your wood flooring constantly. So thinking about your flooring is something you need to consider. You could put down a plastic sheet underneath and then place some old towels on top to help absorb nay water and to stop people from slipping over.
The hot tub can heat up to 40 degrees, and with that will come steam when in use and the lid is off, this will make your room to become very damp, similar to your bathroom when having a bath or shower. So you will want it to be very well ventilated and ensure there are windows and doors that can be opened.
Once all set up and filled with water inflatable hot tubs will way a lot, so do ensure your flooring can take this weight and is supported for such a thing.
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Last update on 2025-02-11 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
I am thinking about a get a Coleman portable inflatable hot tub in my basement what are the things I have to consider before I install it.
Hot Tub Reviewer
Dampness is the main thing, condensation and water from getting in and out of the spa going on the floor, if the area is not well ventilated then it could cause damage to your property.
J R Smith
I put my Coleman hot tub in my garage for the winter and it works perfectly. When in the tub I crack my garage door open about 5 inches and have a small wall mounted fan behind the tub to move air. It is a great option for late fall and winter to still enjoy you tub. Tasks are simple when you get out just dry up excess water and open your door to allow excess steam to escape. Otherwise, tons of fun and extra use for a great priced portable tub